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Attention Deficit Disorder Medication

01/10/2009 11:48


Attention Deficit Disorder medication has been under fire for some time. Since many of the patents who have this disorder are children, many parents and professionals are leery about medicating them. However, if carefully planned and administered, Attention Deficit Disorder medication can work wonders for a young person.

The first thing that any parent or adult with ADD wants to do is to express their concerns about whether or not Attention Deficit Disorder medication is appropriate for their situation. This kind of prescription is not the best treatment for every person that has the disorder. There are some considerations to make.

This is especially true when it comes to children. Medicating a child can be very tricky because the child is still growing. Making sure that the Attention Deficit Disorder medication is in the proper dose for the child’s weight can pose some challenges considering that the child is continually growing.

If the Attention Deficit Disorder medication is not in the proper dose, then there can be some behavior problems that go above and beyond the initial inattention and potential hyperactivity associated with the disorder. Some parents and adults with ADD complain that the condition seems to worsen after they begin administering the Attention Deficit Disorder medication.

This doesn’t mean that these individuals should completely forgo taking anything for their conditions. It may take a little time to get the proper dose at the most beneficial levels for the individual. The Attention Deficit Disorder medication can help but it may take some time before the appropriate dose is determined.

The dose may change over time as well. A child may do very well on an Attention Deficit Disorder medication for a few months, and then regress. The regression may be due to a growth spurt and the dose needs to be reevaluated and adjusted to the child’s specific needs.

Not every patient requires medication. Other interventions and treatments may be all that is required for many patients but some need more help than these approaches can offer. With close monitoring and consistency, Attention Deficit Disorder medication can help children and adults with ADD function very well.
As with any other medicine, this treatment approach will require attention and continual evaluation. The Attention Deficit Disorder medication available today isn’t a cure-all but it can really benefit some patients. With monitoring and evaluation this treatment approach can provide relief from the symptoms of ADD.



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